SEMT Pielstick has won three orders in nuclear plant emergency applications in Korea and China of which two are currently being implemented in partnership with Alstom Power. The first order was gained in Korea with Pielstick’s licensee Hanjung involving four 16 PC2.5 engines totalling an output of 30 MW to be delivered at the Ulchin 5/6 1000 MW PWR power plant. This order follows those received for the supply of equipment to the Wolsung 2/3/4, Ulchin 3/4 and Yonggwang 5/6 nuclear power plants.
The second order, in partnership with Alstom, reflects Pielstick’s experience in the field of nuclear applications and was obtained after a strong competition for an extra emergency power supply (a 5th emergency diesel generator) for the Daya Bay/Ling Ao nuclear power plants in China, Guandong Province, including all related electrical interfaces with the four nuclear units. This particular emergency diesel generator will be equipped with a Pielstick PC2.6 engine already in use at the Civaux 1/2 1400 MW PWR in France as well as at the Oinshan 3 Candu in China. The third order, awarded by Atomstroyexport of Russia, consists of four 5 MW gensets – equipped with the 16 PA6B – to be installed in the Tianwan VVER 1000 MW nuclear plant in China – Jiangsu Province – currently under construction.