The 16.1 litre TWD1643GE 6-in-line diesel is billed as compact, fuel-efficient and possessing excellent load step performance. These features are a result of ‘the latest advanced engine technology’ including dual stage turbo chargers, dual stage charge air cooling and electronic engine control with CAN bus technology. The TWD1643GE is optimised for dual speed, 1500 and 1800 rpm corresponding to outputs of 630 kVA prime power for the 50 Hz market, and 605 kWe standby power for the 60 Hz. Fuel consumption is said to be good, helped by the compact size, at 196 g/kWh at 1500 rpm.

This is the first Volvo Penta engine to be equipped with dual stage turbo chargers, enabling it to respond rapidly to load changes. The turbo chargers are connected in series with a separate charge air cooler after each turbo unit. The smaller high-pressure turbo responds rapidly and generates an immediate charge pressure, while the larger low-pressure turbo gives the engine its high peak output. The high pressure turbo is fitted with a waste-gate valve to regulate and protect the engine from excess charge air pressure. Load step performance is excellent at both 1500 and 1800 rpm.

The engine has a newly developed cooling system with a high efficiency two stage radiator coupled with the dual stage water-cooled charge air coolers. In other respects it follows the same design philosophy as Volvo’s 9 and 12 litre engines. Much of the technology is common and service is implemented in the same manner. Several filters and other spare parts are common, which guarantees high availability and simplified stocking of spare parts.

Another similarity is in the electronic EMS 2 engine control. This is a user-friendly system built on CAN bus technology. The operator may either use Volvo’s engine instrument and control equipment or connect its own via the interface that is available in the EMS 2.

Exhaust emissions for the TWD1643GE corresponds to the most extensive international demands that are currently placed on engines in this power class, EPA Tier 2, and TA-Luft1/EU Stage 2.