Framework to help drive compliance with the UK Carbon Reduction Commitment
London based Logica, a business and technology service company, has been awarded a framework contract for automated meter reading (AMR) and associated services by Buying Solutions, the national procurement partner for UK public services. This arrangement supports the recently enacted UK Carbon Reduction Commitment – Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC-EES) legislation, which demands that organisations can prove they understand, and can predict and manage their energy consumption.
Buying Solutions has put in place a framework for AMR and associated services that streamlines the process whereby organisations procure the services they require to reduce energy use and ensure an organisation is compliant with the government’s scheme. All participants in the scheme will be evaluated and ranked and the rankings made available to the general public online and through the national press. The league tables will first be published in July 2011.
Nigel Kirby-Green, the managing director of Logica’s public sector divison commented “A growing number of organisations will require help from consultancies to equip themselves with the means to comply with these complex requirements. Organisations have to review and collate a vast amount of data from across their business activities. We believe that our rich history of successful IT delivery and organisational transformation coupled with our sustainability capabilities provides a powerful offering. It’s our role to provide organisations with the skills and innovative technologies to manage this information, and enable them to comply as efficiently as possible.”