State owned utility Eskom is to make significant changes to the management structure of the pebble bed modular reactor project. Present CEO of the PBMR Company David Nicholls is being recalled to a ‘senior post’ at head office to create the organisation that will host the demonstration plant and prepare the way for Eskom’s purchase of subsequent commercial plants. His place is to be taken by Nic Terblanche, who set up Eskom’s non-regulated subsidiary Eskom Enterprises. Mr Terblanche said that the company has so much faith in the technological base of the PBMR that it doesn’t view it as a deomonstration project but as a commercial asset to last forty years.

l Following a request from Cape Town’s city government the national government had extended by 30 days (to 25th August) the deadline for appeals agains the recent record of decision in PBMR’s favour.