The acquisition of UK company Masons by Sweden-based Atlas Copco has resulted in a collaboration that combines their known strengths and has led to the launch of the UK-built QUB range of ‘no frills’ generating sets. These are rated from 25 to 143 kVA at 1500 rpm and tailored to the African and Middle East markets where the sometimes harsh conditions in remote locations place a premium on simplicity, reliability and ruggedness.
The new range is available in six models to complement the existing QAS and QIX gensets and is manufactured to ISO8528 at an ISO9001:1994 certified facility. They can operate in ambient temperatures of up to 55°C and are powered by Deutz air-cooled, four and six-cylinder diesel engines driving a MeccAlte alternator purpose-designed for Atlas Copco. Alternator features include special double dip impregnation for the windings to provide additional isolation protection for humid conditions, and 300% overload capability.
A new control system has been designed for the QUB range, offering a range of options to suit individual requirements, and based, Atlas Copco says, on detailed research among customers. They include local start or remote start facilities and instrumentation on the basic control panel that includes ammeter, voltmeter, frequency/rpm meter and an hours-run recorder all fitted as standard.
The heavy-duty steel base frame is fitted with anti-vibration mounts and a built-in fuel tank of 105-184 litre capacity depending on the model. Available optional extras include alternator IP23 protection, a battery charger, low fuel level shutdown, an industrial or residential silencer and a manifold ‘hot spot’ guard. ‘Service Paks’ (sets of parts for planned maintenance) are also being produced. The new range will be available from stock offered off-the-shelf by Atlas Copco local distributors.
A selection of four control modules is offered with varying levels of features up to the top-of-the-range Qc4001TM, a microprocessor based system capable of set to set synchronisation of up to 16 units. It also features automatic mains failure detection, active and reactive load sharing and mains paralleling with special functions for peak lopping and no-break return.