United Arab Emirates
• A new block for the Jebel Ali power plant complex in the United Arab Emirates is to be supplied with power generation equipment and switchgear from Siemens. The complex already includes several power generation and desalination blocks with a combined generating capacity of around 2000 MW and a daily production capacity of 530 000 m3 of desalinated water.
The new unit, unit K, will have a generating capacity of
850 MW and a desalination capacity of 230 000 m3/day. Siemens Power Generation Group will provide three gas turbines, two steam turbines, and five generators, together with instrumentation and control systems while the German company’s Power Transmission and Distribution Group will supply high voltage switchgear.
The project is being built by EnelPower together with Fisia Italimpanti. Total cost is expected to be around $460 million, with the Siemens contracts worth 140 million euros. The plant, about 50 km from Dubai, is expected to enters service in 2002 when it will be operated as a base-load unit. Electricity will be delivered to the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority grid.
• Reliant Energy Seward has placed a contract for a coal-fired plant, to be built at Seward in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, with Alstom. The total value of the contract is around $550 million, with Alstom’s share of this worth $235 million. Under the terms of the contact, Alstom will supply Reliant with a single 520 MW steam generator turbine set served by two circulating fluidised bed (CFB) boilers and an emission control system which includes non-catalytic NOx reduction and flue gas desulphurisation. The CFB units include in-furnace combustion control techniques to reduce emissions which, combined with the additional NOx and SO2 control systems and further particulate removal systems, allow the plant to burn coal waste in the Seward area while complying with US emission regulations. The plant is expected to enter commercial service in May 2004, doubling the generating capacity of the existing plant which will be retired in October 2003.
• Elsewhere in the USA, Alstom is to supply two heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) to the Corpus Christi Energy Center, a
500 MW combined cycle cogeneration plant in Corpus Christi, Texas. These units will recover heat from a pair of GE 7FA steam turbines. The company will also supply two HRSGs to the Carville Energy Center near Baton Rouge, Louisiana where they will serve a further two GE 7FA turbines.
• Framatome ANP Richland has won a contract to supply nuclear fuel and fuel-related services to the LaSalle nuclear power station owned by Exelon Corp. Both units of LaSalle, located in Seneca, Illinois, are boiling water reactors providing unit generating capacities of over 1000 MW. Framatome ANP Richland (in its former guise Siemens Power Corp) has supplied fuel to LaSalle since 1996.
Fuel deliveries to LaSalle will include six firm reloads and an option of six additional reloads. They are scheduled to start in October 2001. Total value of the contact including the optional reloads is potentially more than $150 million. Fuel will be produced in Richland, Washington.
Under the contract, Exelon will receive the fuel company’s Atrium-10 fuel assembly. The design utilises a 10×10 fuel rod lattice with nine of the interior rods replaced by an internal water channel. This internal channel increases neutron efficiency and improves reactor shutdown margin, Framatome claims.
• Foster Wheeler Energy Corp has secured an order from InterGen for 19 heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) for six power projects. The deal is worth around $200 million. The 19 units are to be coupled with GE 7FA gas turbines in combined cycle configurations in six power plants. When installed in the power stations, the units are expected to contribute to a gross generating capacity in excess of 5000 MW and are expected to enter service in 2003.
• ABB Electricity Metering has won a $8 million order from Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) for billing and power quality meters. The meters are to be installed in over 1000 substations and 600 key customer sites as part of CFE’s revenued metering and power quality monitoring network.
ABB will supply Ion 8400 meters manufactured by Canadian company Power Measurements Ltd to be installed during 2001. The meters include a wide range of energy, demand, time-of-use and harmonics measurements in addition to sag/swell and outage detection. Load profiles and high-speed event logs are stored in non-volatile memory with optional global positioning system time synchronisation to help determine the source and severity of power disturbances.
• The Mexican Comision Federal de Electricidad has placed an order with Alstom worth around $110 million for four 25MW geothermal power plants. The four plants, located in Los Azuries, Michoacan state, will utilise energy from and underground reservoir heated by the magma to very high temperatures.
• The Middle Egypt Electricity Company (MEEC) has chosen Foxboro Co to supply and install a distribution management system (DMS) and associated supervisory control and data acquisition (Scada) system for the Minea-Assuit DMS Project. The DMS and Scada systems will work together to provide automatic control of power distribution throughout the Minea and Assuit region. The systems will enable operators located at a central control station to monitor critical information and brief service crews, customers and planners as necessary. Support for the project will be provided by a newly formed Foxboro Egypt organisation, based in Cairo. Further support will be available from Foxboro centres in Rome and Sydney.
• Degremont Ltd has chosen Centrax Gas Turbines to supply a 501-KB3 gas turbine powered generator set for a waste treatment water works at Levenmouth in Scotland. The new treatment works will be located beside the river Leven in the Firth of Forth, northeast of Edinburgh. The 2.6 MW unit will provide power to the site’s pumps and other electrical equipment. Waste heat from the unit will be used to heat oil for drying the waste sludge prior to disposal. Waste water from a housing project and two paper mills will be treated at the installation before being returned to the river.
• Data Systems and Solutions has won a contract from Scottish Power to supply a substation control scheme for two 275kV substations, Colyton and Auchencrosh. The substations form part of the Scotland-Northern Ireland interconnector. The aim of the control scheme is to streamline the monitoring of electricity transfer between these two regions of the UK.
The two substations will be supplied with Data Systems and Solutions Activia system and with Microsol Inc’s XCell remote terminal units. The combination will provide substation engineers with control and monitoring data and information for two Scottish Power control centres. There will also be provision of local substation control via the integration of intelligent electronic devices. Work on the scheme is to be completed in June 2001.