Oskarshamn operator OKG, part of the E.ON group, has signed a contract covering modernisation of the nuclear steam supply system and the electrical and I&C systems of Oskarshamn 2. The aim is to complete the safety upgrades between 2007-11. Meanwhile, Ringhals, the largest production company in the Vattenfall group, signed a major contract worth around €200million with Areva for the supply and replacement of three steam generators and 1 pressuriser on this unit in 2011 and the associated power up-rate licensing studies.
In a statement Areva said the involvement of Uddcomb Engineering, acquired by the group in 2005, was a key factor in winning the contract.
Areva has already replaced the steam generators on units 2 and 3 at Ringhals.
In related news, Areva also recently announced that Electricité de France (EdF) has awarded a supply for a nuclear supply steam system for the planned EPR at Flamanville in France. The deal marks the 100th reactor order for the Areva group and includes engineering and construction of the reactor components including the vessel, vessel head, steam generators, pumps, pressuriser, and control rod drive mechanisms.