Battery firm Faradion is partnering with Moixa Technology and WMG to develop sodium-ion battery technology as a low-cost alternative to lithium ion batteries for solar energy storage.

The three companies believe that sodium ion battery cells will be 30 % cheaper to produce than lithium ion systems and would therefore open up the possibility of domestic renewable energy storage to a greater number of households and businesses worldwide.

The partners will also aim to prove that sodium-ion technology can meet the life cycle requirements of solar energy storage. A conventional lead-acid battery would currently need to be replaced up to five times throughout the lifetime of a photovoltaic (PV) solar system.

The firms will use Faradion’s expertise in sodium ion battery technology, cell performance, battery markets and licensing, and Moixa Technology’s knowledge of smart energy storage and solar PV to develop and test solar energy storage systems.

WMG, part of the University of Warwick, will supply the large scale prototype manufacturing and electrode coating capabilities.

"Solar energy storage is an important growth market of the next five years and this partnership means that the UK has the opportunity to be at the forefront of technology development," said Francis Massin, CEO of Faradion.