Spanish developer BlueFloat Energy has entered the Taiwan wind energy market, which is characterised by the government’s determination to achieve energy transformation goals and Net-Zero emission targets by 2050. BlueFloat Energy aspires to build a local offshore wind supply chain that would help unlock Taiwan’s potential.

Named after the strong winds blowing in the Hsinchu region every September, BlueFloat Energy’s first project in Taiwan is called ‘Winds of September.’ The array, with a planned capacity of over 1 GW, is located 25 km off the coast of Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City in an area of around 125 sq km at 70-80m water depth. It is Taiwan’s first floating offshore wind project, and is expected to play a significant part in the development of this nascent industry in the country, and a significant part of Taiwan’s energy transition.

Currently, BlueFloat Energy is developing projects in several countries including Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, Spain, Italy, UK and France. In Scotland, BlueFloat has been awarded, together with its partners Ørsted and Falck Renewables, seabed leases in the recent Scotwind lease round for the deployment of three floating wind projects with a total capacity of up to 2.7 GW.