Carlton Power is to build its third green hydrogen hub in the UK at a location within the Langage Energy Park. Carlton has a history in the area – it developed the Langage gas-fired power station and the Langage solar farm.

The 10MW hydrogen hub project, the first of its kind in the southwest of England, will provide local companies – for example energy intensive industries or those with transport fleets – with easy access to hydrogen fuel. 

The first phase of the project has secured planning consent from the local authority, and is expected to be supported under the UK government’s Hydrogen Investment Package, a multi-million pound programme to encourage the growth of the hydrogen economy in the UK. The project is designed to produce sustainable hydrogen fuel at scale within the next 2-3 years.

In addition, the hydrogen hub will support the further growth of renewable electricity generation in the region by utilising it to produce and store hydrogen at times when renewable output is higher than demand.

Eric Adams, Hydrogen Projects Director at Carlton Power said: “Langage is ideally located for the West Country’s first low-carbon hydrogen hub.  With the need, especially among industrial companies, to move away from fossil fuels and reach Net Zero, Langage Green Hydrogen and our other projects can make an important contribution to the transition to the hydrogen economy. A number of key industrial sectors in the south-west have limited options to decarbonise so a local source of hydrogen will accelerate their Net Zero plans and the region’s wider low-carbon ambitions.” 

The Langage Energy Park (pictured), where the green hydrogen hub would be built, is also part of the proposed Plymouth & South West “freeport”.

Image: Langage Energy Park, Devon (courtesy of Trevor Burrows Photography)