Some 5 GW of renewable energy capacity will be built in Spain following the country’s latest auction.

The country’s government has released the results of the July auction, which awarded nearly 4 GW of solar capacity and over 1 GW of wind energy capacity.

The government said it was forced to apply a clause offering more than the originally anticipated 3 GW of capacity because demand from developers was so high.

Cobra Concesiones won the largets share of solar projects, with 1550 MW of capacity, while Enel Green Power won 339 MW. X-Elio Energy won 455 MW of solar capacity, while Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables won 250 MW.

In the wind sector, Alfanar Co. won 750 MW of capacity, while Ibervento Infraestrcturas was awarded 172 MW.

The results of the auction have pleased Spain’s solar energy sector, which criticised an earlier auction held in 2017 where most of the capacity was awarded to wind projects.

Spain’s solar PV association, UNEF, said that the auction would help to revive the country’s solar energy market and that the capacity awarded would result in investments of around €3.5 billion.

According to the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE), the installation of projects accorded to wind this year and in 2016 will translate into investments in excess of €4.5 billion.

“It is a positive signal for the wind industry, notably the Spanish supply chain,” said WindEurope Chief Policy Officer, Pierre Tardieu. “However, due to the four-year market standstill, we’re playing catch-up.

“The Spanish government is trying to deploy in the next three years what should have been done in seven. These types of stop-and-go policies are extremely disruptive for the wind supply chain which needs a stable calendar of tenders to thrive.”