Following in the footsteps of other utilities around the world, Italy’s Eni and Enel are to join forces to develop technologies for the capture, transport and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2).
The two companies announced that they have signed a letter of intent to carry out a joint feasibility study on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hope to develop a ‘National Plan’ for Italy.
Joining forces to find solutions to the challenge of global warming will help to ensure that Italy remains at the forefront of technology development alongside the US, Norway, Australia and Germany, say oil and gas giant Eni and power utility Enel.
Fulvio Conti, CEO of Enel stated: “With today’s accord, two large energy companies join forces to find the best solutions to effectively combat climate change. Our cooperation gives Italy a chance to be at the forefront of the development of the most innovative technologies … on which European and US institutions and companies are focusing their attention.”
A key part of their work will be conducting a joint assessment of national off-shore and on-shore CO2 sequestration options and the implementation of one or more pilot projects involving the integration of CO2 capture, transport and sequestration facilities. Eni’s skills lie in the sequestration of CO2 in geological sites such as depleted hydrocarbon deposits, while Enel will apply its CO2 capture knowledge.
Enel has already launched two CO2 capture demonstration projects, and is also studying the geological storage potential of sites near its power plants.
Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni, stated: “The agreement we have just signed enables two large energy companies to join forces to find viable solutions to the greenhouse gas effect. Eni and Enel together will offer Italy their best technological capabilities to put in place an effective and safe system for capturing and sequestrating CO2.”