On 2 May ENTSO-E, the organisation of European transmission system operators, launched a public consultation on its Study Roadmap towards Modular Development Plan on pan-European Electricity Highways System 2050 (MoDPEHS). Stakeholders are invited to respond to this consultation before 3 June 2011. A corresponding stakeholder workshop will be held on 10 May, in Brussels.
The 41 TSO members of ENTSO-E are responsible for system security and system development in their control areas. Considering the overall importance of the development of a pan-European electricity highway system for the integration of renewable energy sources, of further market integration and to maintain the security of electricity supply, ENTSO-E is preparing (in co-operation with DG Energy and in line with the Commission’s Communication “Energy infrastructure priorities for 2020 and beyond” (17 November 2010)), a corresponding study project with a comprehensive view on the development of the future European grid. Besides involvement of ENTSO-E members, this three-year study programme is to be realised with broad involvement and direct participation of external stakeholders too. The study roadmap was prepared a as basis for the later proposal for EU grants.
ENTSO-E invites all interested parties to forward their comments on the document via email to: <consultation.modpehs@entsoe.eu> before 3 June 2011.
Participants are invited to share their views about the process covering all relevant issues towards a robust long-term strategic plan to 2050. The study roadmap will need to fully explore the technical/technological, economic/financial and political/socio-political issues related to the modular development of a 2050 Electricity Highways System for Europe.
Following the public consultation period, ENTSO-E will publish all comments received from stakeholders, although respondents may specify non-publication of their views if they wish. The publication of the final document and all received responses is expected to be end-July 2011.