The specifications developed by ENTSO-E on the exchange of data in electricity systems in Europe – the Common Grid Model Exchange Specification or CGMES – have now been adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). This will make CGMES an internationally recognised technical specification for electricity data exchange.
Commenting on the IEC adoption, Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E’s secretary general, declared: ‘This is a recognition of European power networks’ ability to innovate. The CGMES will facilitate information exchange among an increasing amount of actors and notably with distribution system operators. A lot of work is ongoing between ENTSO-E and EU associations of distribution system operators to make this seamless stream of data across power networks happen”.
The CGMES is a part of the wider Common Grid Model framework which is one of the new tools brought in by the EU network codes – binding technical and market regulations. Under the Common Grid Model, all European power system operators will continuously and automatically share grid data from intervals of one year to one hour before dispatch. The Regional Security Co-ordinators – regional subsidiaries of national system operators – will merge the different grid models and create a common model of the European grid.
This pan-European data exchange and regional co-ordination is designed and expected to result in grid optimisation, greater renewables’ integration, greater security and economies of scale. CGMES will also become the specification to be used in other key ENTSO-E deliverables such as pan-European and regional grid planning studies.
“The CGMES and the Common Grid Model in general are true springboards for the smartening of the European power system”, commented Laurent Schmitt. “We are very happy to have the IEC recognising our ability to deliver on our digital agenda alongside our more traditional but nonetheless important missions”.