First Solar has announced that the booking of 160 MW (DC measurement) of photovoltaic module sales in Turkey in the first half of 2016. The orders were placed by Basariarge Enerji A.S. and Zorlu Enerji.
Zorlu Enerji, a subsidiary of Zorlu Holding has contracted First Solar to supply 100 MW of its high performance Series 4 thin film modules, for projects expected to be constructed and commissioned in 2017. Basariarge Enerji A.S. – a joint venture of Basari Yatirimlar, a Turkish infrastructure company and the Basari Group – has placed orders for 60 MW of modules to power its own projects, as well as for PV power plants for which it will provides EPC services. The first modules will be delivered in late 2016.
“These agreements confirm assessments that solar energy in general … is the right response to Turkey’s energy security challenges” commented Georges Antoun, First Solar’s chief cmmercial officer. First Solar established an office in Istanbul in April 2014 and has since secured a contracted module sale pipeline of over 300 MW, making it a leading PV module supplier in the country.