Nuclear sale
Dominion Resources have agreed to purchase the Millstone nuclear power station from Northeast Utilities in a deal worth $1.3 billion in cash. Included in the purchase price is some $105 million for nuclear fuel. Millstone is located on Long Island Sound in Connecticut.
CLP in India
Hong Kong’s China Light & Power, now known as CLP Holdings Ltd, has announced a venture with Tata Electric Co for the development of a
1000 MWe power project on the west coast of India. The partners will form Mangalore Power Co, which will allow CLP to achieve its ambitions of expansion into the west. The plant project venture, in the southern state of Karnataka, precedes a second bid by the two for the development of a 2000 MW facility in the Amreli district of Gujarat state.
PowerGen in internet gaff
The UK’s PowerGen has had a serious security breach exposed. Thousands of customers who pay bills on-line have been warned to change codes and personal identification numbers. The flaw came to light after a customer accessed details of some 7000 PowerGen customers. The company has closed down the site and is offering £50 ($75) in compensation.
Brazilian NUKE
Generation has begun at the Angra 2 nuclear plant near Rio de Janero, some 17 years after the project was first initiated. The 1309 MWe pressurised water reactor was designed and built by Siemens and will be owned and operated by the state-owned Eletronuclear – Electrobrás Termonuclear SA.
Capstone finance boost
In the wake of the initial public offering by Capstone, reported in the May issue, shares have jumped in the group on rumours that a significant shareholding may reach the market from Fletcher Challenge, which held 21 per cent of Capstone. Fletcher Challenge is a New Zealand-based energy and construction group.
Siemens solar
The largest solar-diesel hybrid generation system in Africa has been built by Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group under a turnkey construction contract. The solar installation, completed in just 16 weeks, produces a maximum output of 51.6 kWe and is joined by 135 kVA diesel gensets.
Power group
Seven power plants in southern Poland have been granted government approval to consolidate. The combined group, called the Southern Energy Concern (PKE), will produce 17 per cent of the nation’s electric supply. Under the terms of the approval, the group will be allowed to own 50 per cent plus one share.