2004 saw India emerge as one of the world’s fastest growing wind energy producers with the addition of 875 MW of new wind capacity, or a growth of more than 41%.
According to figures from the World Wind Energy Association, the country is set to replace Denmark as the world number four in terms of installed capacity with a total of 2,985 MW. Denmark, which added only 7 MW during 2004 has a total capacity of 3,117 MW.
Worldwide, 8,321 MW of wind capacity was added during 2004 giving a total installed capacity of 47,616 MW. Germany is ranked first with 16,628 MW and is followed by Spain at 8,263 MW and the USA at 6,740 MW.
India is also the leading country in Asia, accounting for more than half of the 4,726 MW total installed capacity in the continent. Japan and China follow with 896 MW and 764 MW respectively.