Sian Crampsie

Over 1400 MW of renewables and energy storage capacity has been approved for grid connection by EirGrid, Ireland’s grid operator.

EirGrid has approved grid applications for 252 MW of large-scale solar systems, 842 MW of small-scale solar systems, 294 MW of onshore wind and 351 MW of energy storage capacity.

It made the approvals under its so-called Enduring Connection Policy (ECP-1), a new system for allocating grid connections to new generating capacity. The batch of applications approved by EirGrid also included a further 842 MW of large-scale solar projects that had applied for grid connections under the old ‘gate’ system.

Many of the projects will be aiming to compete for contracts in Ireland’s new renewable energy support scheme (RESS), the first auctions for which will be held in 2019.

The RESS system is designed to help Ireland meet its renewable energy and climate targets.

The country’s current renewable electricity target is 40 per cent by 2020.