French transmission operator RTE has announced the winners of 7-year capacity market (CM) contracts following a call for tenders held in 2019.

RTE has awarded contracts to 377 MW of capacity, including 253 MW of battery projects and 124 MW of remand response.

The contracts are worth €28k/MW/year or €29k/MW/year, depending on the delivery window, RTE said on its website.

The CM tender is part of France’s PPE long-term energy programme and was designed to procure low-carbon, flexible capacities to improve security of supply in France. Projects will deliver in either 2021 or 2022, RTE said.

The results of the tender show that three firms – Total Flex, Amarenco and RES – will share 90 per cent of the battery contracts awarded, where only nine developers in total secured contracts. Some 60 per cent of offers in the tender were from demand side response capacity, while 40 per cent came from batteries.