RWE has taken a major step towards the realisation of its first solar farms in the UK, with seven projects, representing 330 MW of new electricity capacity now entering construction.
The projects are the first to be constructed from the solar portfolio secured by RWE through its acquisition of JBM Solar, one of the UK’s largest independent solar and co-located battery developers. The acquisition of around 3.8 GW capacity of solar and 2.3 GW of battery development projects positioned RWE as one of the UK’s largest solar developers.
Mobilisation is now underway at the seven sites. The projects, all of which have already successfully secured Contracts for Difference, are being constructed to facilitate the future co-location of battery storage where this is not already being installed.
The first of the seven sites is due to become fully operational by the end of 2024, with the remainder to follow shortly after. Once fully operational, the sites will reduce UK carbon emissions by an estimated 8 million tonnes during their lifetime. RWE aims to commission on average 450 MW of new UK solar capacity per year up to 2030 in support of the UK’s ambitions for 70 GW of solar capacity by 2035. Globally, RWE plans to increase its installed solar capacity from 3.9 GW to 16 GW by 2030.
The seven RWE projects, representing a total of 330 MW solar and 45 MW BESS installed capacity, are Langford (35MW solar and 35MW BESS), Claydon (45 MW solar and 10 MW BESS), Cotmoor (50 MW solar), Moreton Lane (50 MW solar), Doverdale (50 MW solar), Stoneshollow (50 MW solar) and Ashorne (50 MW solar).
Image courtesy of RWE