Delta Energy BV is managing the tender process just issued for a new nuclear power plant to be sited near the existing Borssele plant in The Netherlands.
The facility is to be a third generation PWR and the tender is for a contract covering engineering, procurement, provision of fuel supply, and provision of long term service agreements for specific items and construction, including commissioning.
The specification is for a pressurised water type with a power output in the range between 1000 and 2500 MWe of the ‘third generation advanced’ light water type design and must meet all relevant safety standards and other national and EU requirements, including the existing Netherlands’ Nuclear Safety Rules (Nucleaire Veiligheids Regels, NVR) and any future updates. The whole is to be provided by the winning contractor on the basis of a lump-sum fixed price index-linked EPC contract for the nuclear island.
The pricing structure is to be determined later in the tender procedure. For more information contact: Delta Energy B.V., Attn: Project KCB2, NL-4330 KA Middelburg. E-mail: