China Knowledge reports that all construction work on the Three Gorges Project, the world’s largest hydropower project, is scheduled for final completion by 2015.

The remaining sections to be constructed are an underground power station with six hydropower turbo-generators currently being excavated beneath a mountain on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, and a lift for vessels on the river northern bank.

The giant dam system, which operates as a water control system on a huge scale, started construction 18 years ago. Its main works includes a gigantic dam for generation, and a five-tier system of navigational locks. In addition the xomples also provides a degree of flood control. It has had 26 hydropower turbo generators in operation, whcih by the end of 2010 had generated more than 440 TWh of electricity since first output in 2003.

Upon completion, the complex should be able to generate 100 TWh of electricity a year.