Wärtsilä will deliver the equipment for the Cheong Soo plant in two phases. The first phase requires two Wärtsilä 20V34SG gas-engined generating sets with a combined electrical output of 17 MWe. Waste heat recovery from these engines will provide 14 MWth of thermal energy for district heating and cooling.
In the second phase, Wärtsilä will deliver a third identical generating set, raising the total electrical output to 25 MWe and the thermal output to 21 MWth.
The plant is being installed by JB Entech Co, the engineering and supply company of its parent company Jung Bu City Gas Co. The first phase of the Cheong Soo plant is due to be operational in the second half of 2009, and the second phase around mid-2012.
The plant will burn natural gas and will produce electricity, heat and cooling for the Cheong Soo community.