A €450 million contract to build the 2,100 MW supercritical plant has been won by Alstom.

Under the terms of the contract, Alstom will carry out the overall power plant engineering, supply, erect and commission two steam turbine islands including condensers and, in consortium with another company, deliver two steam generators.

The steam turbines will be the largest in fossil power plant construction with a gross capacity of 1,100 MW each, with flow-optimised three-dimensional blades and the longest last-stage blades that have been offered on the world market up to now. The generator will be the world’s largest two-pole generator and the plant will achieve the highest steam temperatures ever realised for lignite. In addition, The investment RWE Power Group’s largest investment in power generation.

The work at the building site for the construction of the double-unit plant started in January, a planned commercial operation date has not been disclosed.