The company will supply engineering and equipment deliveries for two baseload power plants to Iranian energy companies Baran Niroo Beshel Co. and Tamin Niroo Saam Co.
The plants will be the first decentralised power plants of their kind in Iran, Wärtsilä said, describing the contracts as a “breakthrough” in its efforts to support Iran’s power generation sector.
Baran Niroo Beshel is building a 29 MW power plant based on three Wärtsilä 34SG engines in the city of Savadkoh, Mazandaran province, while Tamin Niroo Saam will build a 19 MW plant in Tabriz using two 34SG engines.
Both Baran Niroo Beshel and Tamin Niroo Saam are operating under an IPP scheme where Iran Power Generation and Transmission Company (TAVANIR) is the offtaker.
The gensets will be delivered in the third quarter of 2017.