Alfen, an energy solutions specialist and SemperPower, a prominent player in the development of independent large-scale energy storage projects in The Netherlands, have launched Project Pollux – the largest battery energy storage system in terms of energy capacity ever built in the Netherlands. Located in Vlissingen, the storage system featuring Alfen’s ‘The Battery Elements’ will be installed to help solve two of the energy transition’s biggest challenges – an unbalanced grid and the unpredictability of renewable energy sources.

So far grid challenges such as matching supply and demand and accommodating power peaks have been managed by gas and coal plants, but since Europe is focused on closing all fossil fuel plants, the continent faces a new challenge. Flexible energy storage is one of the most promising solutions to tackle this challenge.

Alfen’s TheBattery Elements energy storage systems are said to be tailor-made for different markets and applications based on the same design principles to guarantee performance, flexibility, modularity and longevity. SemperPower will develop, finance and operate the large-scale energy storage system, and Alfen will manage design, supply, civil works, installation, tests and long-term maintenance. The system is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Image courtesy of Alfen