Foster Wheeler Energy Corp has filed a lawsuit For breach of contract against Jacksonville utility JEA in connection with JEA’s Northside generating plant, which includes two FWEC solid fuel fluidised bed boilers rated at 300 MW each.
The complaint alleges that after FWEC sucessfully completed the design, procurement and initial construction phases of the contract, JEA interfered with its work. It failed, alleges the complaint, to provide various agreed site services, which delayed final construction and performance testing, then commandeered the plant pematurely, before commissioning, in order to supply sufficient and lower cost electricity to its customers during the summer peak of 2002. This denied FWEC the opportunity to fairly demonstrate its CFB technology. It further alleges that JEA owes $30m in outstanding invoices.
At the time of going to press JEA had not made any comment on the lawsuit.