Iberdrola and EDF have announced plans to build a floating offshore wind demonstration project in Norwegian waters.
The two companies are part of a consortium that will build the Flagship project to design, fabricate, install and operate the demonstrator at Norway’s Met Centre test site in the North Sea, using a 10 MW+ turbine and a semi-submersible floating concrete structure, the OO-Star Wind Floater.
Other companies in the consortium include Core-Marine, Cener, IHC and Zabala Innovation Consulting in Spain, DTU and DNV-GL. The Flagship project is part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme.
Fabrication of the floating platform could start in the second quarter of 2021, with installation in first quarter 2022, Iberdrola said. The aim of the project is to reduce the levelized costs of energy for floating wind to €40-60/MWh by 2030.
Iberdrola is also pursuing plans for a floating offshore wind project in Spain, it said.
That project would use a different floating technology and could be deployed in waters around the Canary Islands or the Basque Country.