Building on the fossil power innovation awards we have been running for a few years we have decided to extend the scope to renewables, and also distributed generating systems and energy storage.
To qualify, the innovation must have been implemented in a facility or piece of equipment that has recently started operation or in a plant that is under construction. The judging criteria will be the degree of innovation and technical challenge, the benefit to the user and society at large, and the commercial aspects.
We invite entries in the following categories: gas fired power plant technology; clean coal; renewables; energy storage; distributed generation.
How to enter
In the first instance we invite entrants (who could be individual companies or a group of organisations, including, eg, a utility plus vendors) to provide a brief description of their innovation in about 300 words setting out clearly their reasons for nominating it.
Entries should be emailed to James Varley at Modern Power Systems, (tel +44 208 269 7766) to arrive by 9 December 2013. Following the drawing up of a short list we may ask for further information. Winners to be announced in early 2014.